Spiritual Development &
Heart - Centered Healing
Hi,I'm Marnie, energy healer and spiritual coach.
I created Earth Heart Healing because of my love affair with the healing arts. In 2012 I had my first spiritual awakening, it shook me to the core, propelled my life in a new direction, and helped me remember just how powerful a soul centered heart really is. It’s a soft kind of powerful, and the kind of powerful that heals through love. It was an experience that sparked a complete metamorphosis of my life.
This new way of seeing things seemed so foreign to my conditioned mind, yet looking back I guess you could say that I’ve always had the gift of bringing balance to spaces, and that from somewhere deep within, that I’ve always known it had everything to do with love. I was four when I remember driving in the car with my father. “Dad,” I asked, “why are most of the songs on the radio about love?” After pausing to think he replied, “Well . . . love, is really important to people.” We sat in silence and I had my first revelation.​
As a child I loved building 3D puzzles, and could easily see how the pieces fit together. I also loved to explore, and although I battled with social anxiety, I never passed up an opportunity to travel the world in search of meaning. My first trip abroad was to study English on the Island of Crete (I remember it more as philosophy), and while driving down a bumpy, curvy road on the way to school I noticed something peculiar. There, adorning the road were homes that looked part parking garage. They were homes built without mortgages, and as I studied what I saw—curiously unfinished, second story parking lots, I learned that families would keep the basic structure of their dwellings unfinished so that as generations grew and new income came in they could then build new floors with ease. Another piece of insight touched me. I saw homes that deeply honored the importance of family, and with rebar poking out of the columns in the roof, they told to me that families can evolve, and that it’s the essence behind our choices that makes something beautiful.
I then went on to study architecture in university, and I fell in love for the first time. Every aspect of living brought me joy and I experienced life untethered from my fears. But as an empath, I was living unaware of my co-dependent foundations, and when heartbreak arrived I soon realized just how difficult it was to cope. My life halted and just when I thought I couldn’t go on (while in India for my exchange term abroad) grace arrived. I discovered meditation and had my first spiritual awakening.

AIEH Graduation Day, Vancouver, Canada 2019
My first meditation retreat, Lucknow India 2012
I never did become an architect, but I also never lost my passion for it. Instead I realized that the most valuable piece of architecture we have is the one we inherited at birth. Just look down at the tip of your nose and you'll see it. It’s our human body: an intricate and astonishing organic vessel created to house a soul.
After graduation I worked as a nanny and dedicated my time to the spiritual arts. I studied yoga, soul embodiment, energy healing, with plant medicines, meditation, breath-work and learned that the foundations of our life experience are created when we are children. I learned the importance of embracing the pieces of me that were halted in time, and to become the mother and father I needed but didn't have as a child. In discovering how to heal my childhood wounds I experienced empowerment and freedom. I realized my love for healing practices and found passion and purpose in guiding others through their healing too.

Sparks From The Heart Book Launch,
Ontario, Canada 2022

" At Earth Heart Healing, I'm committed to offering a pioneering journey to those who are called, where self-responsibility is key, and where heart centered connection births balance, wholeness, and illumination from the inside out. "
Related Work Experience
Elementary School Teacher (Supply) 2021 - 2023
Published Author: Sparks From The Heart 2021
Energy Healer (Well-Beings) 2019 - 2020
Shambhala Music Festival (Wellness and Operations Auditor) 2019
Private Nanny (Various Families) 2008, 2013 - 2019
Advanced Integrative Energy Healing (700HR) Langara College 2019
Bachelor of Architectural Design Carleton University 2013
Trainings, Certificates & Workshops
​Shamanic Healing Intensive Soul Ascension Healing Arts 2018
Return of The Shining Ones Carole Guyett 2018
Yin Yoga Teacher Training (55HR) Jolene Bayda 2017
Yoga Teacher Training (200HR) Karma Teachers 2017
Sacred Body Awakening Anaiya Sophia 2016
Toltec Teachings: Introduction, Mother Book, Father Book Liz Forrest 2015 - 2017