Oct 19, 20236 min read
Thunder, Lightening, Rainbows, and The Puma
With an eleven hour lay over in Cancun, and not much else to do, I found myself in a Starbucks scrolling through my photo’s from Peru. As...
Hi I'm Marnie,
. . . and I’m so happy you stopped in.
Welcome to my blog.
I’m an energy healer and spiritual coach, and my business is online, so I'm able to travel while I work.
Two or three months of the year I'm trekking around the globe, and Balancing Duality is where I bridge my professional insights as an energy healer with my personal experiences as someone living and navigating life in this epic decade that is the 20’s.
Written with your entertainment in mind, my content is often inspired by personal growth, history, and current events from a more galactic perspective.
I'm also an advocate for spiritual development, and as far as lineages go, I tend draw my information from the realms of spiritual embodiment, Christ Consciousness, organic ascension, the lineage of the rose, the Cathars in France, the Qeros in Peru, Sri Aurobindo, Barbara Brennan, Rudolph Steiner, and the idea of planetary ascension from 3D to 5D.
Each one of you reading this is beautifully unique, and your most valuable answers will come from within. But . . . it's also a gift to be reminded of the path, and so I hope you'll join me as I write about my wild adventures (hopefully!), because here in these blog posts . . . that's exactly what I hope to do!
The path to energetic wholeness is a slow and steady process that unfolds over time. There's also a science to it.
Through trial and error, I've learned that when we stay connected energetically with the earth and with the sun, we're able to stay aligned with our highest timeline and gain access to the tools we'll need to become healed and whole in our lives.
When it comes to illness, in theory, all dis-ease can be *healed because the root of dis-ease is imbalance, and a reflection of us stepping away from the God force within us—however innocent, ancient, and unconscious that choice may have been in the past.
God is found in the present moment, and we can find the goodness of God by going into our hearts. When we do he/she brings healing, a greater sense of empowerment, and a desire to seek truth, growth, balance, and loving connections through service to others in our lives.
*The definition for healing that I like to use is this one: heal means to make whole; healing as a verb is an action that unifies separation.